This October 13, we will auction radio equipment and other goodies to benefit the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club. We’ve received some simply AMAZING donations. (I’m serious, there is some QUALITY stuff here this year.)
Thank you to our generous donors. You can check it out at:
As always, it’s a fun read just for the item descriptions, but I bet the bidding will get furious for the Hallicrafters SX-101 (sorry, spoiler alert). I will accept email bids on any item (a la eBay), even if you don’t plan to be at the physical auction. All of the auction details are in the catalog when you download it. (And let me know if there are any problems with the link.) Feel free to forward this email to any other ham or club you know.
Again, if you have something you would like to donate for a great local club, please send a picture (and description, if not obvious) to:
Thanks, and Happy Bidding!
Rich KE1B