First Virtual Club Meeting

On Friday, April 3, 2020, at 7:30 pm, the SLVARC hosted its first Virtual Club Meeting by Zoom. Many thanks to attendees Tom KG6AO, Brad N6BHT, John N6FBA, JV K6HJU, Jeff AE6KS, Ray W6LPW, Gary K6PDL, Robert KB6QXM, Sam WB6RJH, John AC6SL, Richard K8SQB, Karen KM6SV, Tom W6TJK, Reed N1WC, and John KJ6WKT.


  1. Ray W6LPW reported the sad news that KG0T is a silent key. His widow is open to having a memorial service when we are again able to gather.
  2. Kerry K3RRY reported that the Coffee 9 Virtual Noontime Lunch on April 1 was well attended. To allow more than one conversation at a time, he will schedule two video conferences next Wednesday. Attendees can enter and leave either video conference as many times as they like.

Member Status

We went around the “room,” and attendees checked in and reported how things are going during the shelter-at-home order.

Field Day Status

Kerry K3RRY reported that CAL FIRE had asked him to check with them in mid May, and he will do so. He also reported that the Lago Lomita Vineyards off of Summit Rd near the Summit Store has offered their place for Field Day. He will report more about any decision regarding Field Day next month.

Photos of Members’ Antennas

Attendees shared photos and stories about their antennas. The photo-sharing format of the meeting was a perfect match for a the virtual meeting software that we are using.
The next Virtual Club Meeting will be on May 1. Zoom meeting information will be shared through the club’s email reflector.