John AC6SL and Kerry K3RRY presented the Field Day Wrap Up during the SLVARC and SCCARC club meetings on July 9, 2021, and on July 16, 2021. Team Captains Becky KI6TKB, Craig N6SBN, John KJ6ZL, and Richard K8SQB provided additional comments on their station setups. The Field Day effort, operating under call sign K6MMM, boasted a score of 4,744 points.
This was the second year that we were graciously hosted by Lago Lomita Vineyards.
Here is a PDF of John AC6SL’s presentation slides.
John AC6SL also created an animated map of the contacts as they were being made throughout the 24-hour event.
Here is the key for the map. Each contact with another station is shown as a line that extends from our Field Day site to the contacted station’s section. Colors indicate the band used, and the type of the line (solid, dashed, or dotted) indicates the mode (SSB phone, CW, or digital). VHF contacts were made on 2 meters. Satellite contacts, being cross band, sometimes are shown as 2 meters and sometimes are shown as 70 cm.
Congratulations to all of the hams who helped make this Field Day a success. Kerry asked for nominations for awards, and the overwhelming number of respondents led to the creation of this certificate of recognition for the tireless work of Roxy KN6MLM.