The K6DRI D-STAR Project

Join us at the club meeting on March 2, 2018, when Fred Miles, KJ6OOV, will present the K6DRI D-STAR Project. This has been a work in progress for several years.

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Upcoming Amateur Radio Class

An amateur radio class will be offered in Ben Lomond during January–February 2018. This class will prepare students to pass the exam for the Technician Class amateur radio license issued

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A Holiday Poem

(Authors unknown. From our shack to yours, Happy Holidays.) A HOLIDAY POEM ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shack The rig was turned off and the mike

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Sun, Earth’s Ionosphere, Radio Communications

Join us this Friday for an exciting presentation by Stanford research scientist Monica G. Bobra: The effects of the Sun on the Earth’s ionosphere and how that affects radio communications. Monica

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Holiday-Party Dinner Reservations

Dinner is on December 2. The Dinner-Reservation Form is due November 25. Event Details and Menu (PDF). Club Membership Application (PDF).