Catalog for October 13 Auction

This October 13, we will auction radio equipment and other goodies to benefit the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club. We’ve received some simply AMAZING donations. (I’m serious, there is some QUALITY

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Slides from Presentation on Electrical Wiring

Here is a copy of the slides from my presentation on electrical wiring. As the title’s suggests, you should hire an electrician if you aren’t going to invest the time

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A Runners Perspective, 2017 Wharf-to-Wharf Pedestrian Mobile

Yep, I did it again! Huffing and puffing on a 2-meter hand-held over the 6-mile course, this year I was once again pedestrian mobile for the 45th running of the

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Adventures in Residential Wiring

At the August 4, 2017, Club Meeting, Kerry K3RRY will present “Adventures in Residential Electrical Wiring (or) Why You Should Hire an Electrician.” The presentation will cover Kerry’s multi-month project

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Annual Report 2017

As part of the monthly QSTs, club secretary, Kerry K3RRY, presented the club’s annual report for 2017. The club can be justifiably proud of the quailty of its monthly presentations!

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