The file linked below contains up-to-the-minute (well, maybe a few days old) information about the October 9 auction of radio equipment and other goodies to benefit the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club.
Slides from September Club Meeting
September 8, 2015 by
Many thanks to Bill Brooks WB6YVK, who presented “Experiments in Optimization Applied to Antenna Impedance Matching” at the September 4, 2015, club meeting. Bill has graciously allowed us to post his
Election Results
August 8, 2015 by
Club members voted for officers and board members at the August meeting. Congratulations to the 2015–16 board!
Field Day 2015 Section Map
July 23, 2015 by
Every year John AC6SL creates an animated section map of our Field Day data, which we then see at the July club meeting. This year the animation is visible on our