Field Day 2015 Photos

Many thanks to Bob K6XX for posting his album of Field Day photos. View the Album

Field Day 2015!

Join us for Field Day, this Saturday, June 27. This year we will have three radio stations on the air. Through them you can contact people around the world. Come

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Visalia Contest Academy 2015

A cornucopia of contest content! By Don K6GHA and Tom KW6S. Once a year in April, international contesters and DXers converge on Visalia California for two full days of tribal

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Ed Fong’s DBJ-1 / DBJ-2 Presentation

Many thanks to Ed Fong for his presentation at the March club meeting on the DBJ-1 and DBJ-2 antennas. Here are the slides of his presentation. Also, thanks to Sam

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Home Brew Night

Attendees at the January, 2015, meeting of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club were treated to presentations by half a dozen of its inventive members. Buddipole Improvement Leading the

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