Join us for Field Day, this Saturday, June 28. This year we will have six radio stations on the air. Through them you can contact people around the world. Come by on Saturday and
Looking for a Few Good Listeners!
It’s that time again, and Field Day is just around the corner. There are plenty of things about to happen, but I want to ask for help in one specific
New Web Site Continues to Grow
The new WordPress-based web site continues to grow as I convert content from the old Joomla-based site. It’s been taking longer than I had expected, but new posts and features appear every week.
1/12–wave Matching for a Dipole: Why Bother?
During my recent presentation, I showed how the 1/12–wavelength matching technique using a short length of 50- and 75-ohm coax could be used to get a 1:1 match to 50 ohms
Glen KG0T Busts Antenna Myths
Glen KG0T was the highlight of the April 11, 2014, Club Meeting as he busted myths related to antennas and transmission-line matching. Here you will find the slides from his presentation.