Antenna Myths and Magic

The featured speaker at tomorrow’s Club Meeting will be Glen KG0T: The talk will discuss some very popular myths relating to antennas, and attempt to debunk them. Some topics may

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Field Day Planning Progress

The 2014 Field day team had their first meeting last month. Everything is progressing nicely since we started nice and early. There is a need for a Station Captains for an

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Welcome to the new SLVARC web site! It was time to move to the most popular web-site system: WordPress. I’ll be restoring all of the previous site’s content over the

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Work Crew 2013

Club members extended the life of our repeater trailer by re-roofing and painting it. Thanks to Brad N6BHT, Gary K6PDL, John AC6SL, John N6FBA, Kerry K3RRY, and Tuck AF6GQ for

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Contact Map for 2013 Field Day

John AC6SL analyzed the field-day logs and created a map of contact counts. Each section worked is represented by a circle that is centered on the section code. The width

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