Home Brew Night 2021

Building one’s own amateur-radio equipment is frugal and satisfying. Every January we celebrate our club members’ DIY accomplishments at Home Brew night with tales of their successes and—how shall we

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Virtual Holiday Toast

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the December Holiday Dinner at Scopazzi’s will NOT happen this year. We do not know if the restaurant will be open for indoor seating, nor

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Installing a Screwdriver Antenna

At the October 9, 2020, virtual club meeting, John AC6SL presented his experiences when choosing and installing a roof-mounted  screwdriver antenna. Check out his slide set.

WR6AOK: On the Air

With the CZU Lightning Complex Fire being 24% contained and the skies yet to show a reliable shade of blue, hams of the San Lorenzo Valley community have been using

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Frequency Measuring Tests

Many thanks to John AC6SL and to Sam WB6RJH for their engaging and well-prepared Tech Talk on ARRL Frequency Measurement Tests (Club Meeting, August 7, 2020). Who knew that wielding electronic

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