San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club
WR6AOK, 147.120 MHz, Offset +600 KHz, CTCSS Tone 94.8 Hz
At the March meeting we will have Ed Fong talk about the DBJ-1 and DBJ-2 antennas, which he conceived about 10 years ago. The theory and design of these antennas appeared in the March 2003 and April 2007 issues of QST. It is also reprinted in the ARRL Antenna Classics Handbook.
To date over 9,000 antennas have been delivered to hams, Red Cross, Department of Justice, Department of Forestry, various police and fire departments, and even the FBI.
Ed Fong was first licensed in 1968 as WN6IQN. He later upgraded to Extra Class with his present call of WB6IQN. He obtained the BSEE and MSEE degrees from the Univ. of California at Berkeley and his Ph.D. from the Univ. of San Francisco. A Senior Member of the IEEE, he has 10 patents and over 30 published papers and books in the area of communications and integrated circuit design. Presently, he is employed by the University of California (previously at Berkeley and presently at Santa Cruz–Silicon Valley) as an instructor teaching graduate classes in RF design and High Speed interface design. During his 30 year career he has performed work for Motorola, National Semiconductor, Phillips Semiconductor, and Advanced Micro Devices.
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