San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club
WR6AOK, 147.120 MHz, Offset +600 KHz, CTCSS Tone 94.8 Hz
At Friday’s 7:30 pm SLVARC club meeting Kerry K3RRY will be reviewing the ways that you can participate in ARRL Field Day while staying safe. He’ll cover the ARRL’s temporary Field Day rule changes for 2020, give hints for filling in the submission form, and also report on the socially distant “Field Day Lite” deployment that the SLVARC and the SCCARC are planning along Summit Road.
The clubs are planning on holding a Zoom meeting from the Summit Road site on Field Day during a satellite pass so that you can see what an Amateur Radio satellite communication looks like and also can see what other stations we have deployed. If you don’t have a home HF setup, you will be able to sign up for an operating slot to use the equipment up at the Summit Road site during the Field Day event. Of course there will be minimal social contact on-site, but since we are setting up on a ridge at 2,500 feet elevation, expect to be able to make many contacts.
Although this year’s Field Day will be—by necessity—different than past events, you can participate in whichever way you find the most comfortable.
Get the meeting’s Zoom link from an email that was sent to the SLVARC and K6BJ email reflectors.