VIRTUAL Club Meeting – ADS/B and AIS

During the CZU Fire in 2020, mountaintop aircraft trackers were lost, and CAL FIRE ended up monitoring the locations of their helicopters through a receiver that was provided by a radio amateur. Jeff Liebermann AE6KS will describe the equipment and software needed to track aircraft and vessels at sea.

VIRTUAL Club Meeting – Using a Commercial Handheld in the Ham Bands

With proper programming, one can legally use a commercial handheld radio on amateur radio bands. But why would someone do that? Kerry Veenstra K3RRY will describe why, along with what you need to get, how to program the radio, and how well it works.      

VIRTUAL Club Meeting – Small Solar Power Systems

Kerry K3RRY will explain how to design a small solar power system for ham radio. In addition to a short backgrounder, Kerry will present the design spreadsheet that he and others use to install temporary power during remote, desert events. You will be able to use the same spreadsheet to select system components, knowing that the

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Club Meeting – No Joke! Solving the Problem of Cables Through Walls

It's no joke! With antennas on the outside and radios on the inside, the homes of hams need ways to run cables through walls, ceilings, or floors—while also blocking drafts and bugs. John KJ6WKT will present members' solutions to this perennial problem during the April 1, 2022, SLVARC virtual club meeting. For Zoom info, check your

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Club Meeting – Peet Bros. Weather Station and APRS

Kerry K3RRY has purchased a Peet Bros. ULTIMETER 2100 weather station, which can connect directly to a Kenwood TM-D710GA dual-band radio for APRS connectivity. At the May 6, 2022, SLVARC club meeting, he will describe the entire system, from digging the foundation of the short self-supporting tower that holds the system's mast to the system's connectivity

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