VIRTUAL Club Meeting – Restoring a Collins 75A-1 Receiver

Zayante Fire Station 7700 East Zayante Rd, Felton, CA, United States

Tom W6TJK will describe his adventure restoring a Collins 75A-1 Receiver. Testing the vacuum tubes was just the start, as this legendary piece of equipment has "many new electrical and mechanical features never before used in an amateur receiver."

VIRTUAL Club Meeting – How to Field Day with(out) Covid-19

Zayante Fire Station 7700 East Zayante Rd, Felton, CA, United States

At Friday's 7:30 pm SLVARC club meeting Kerry K3RRY will be reviewing the ways that you can participate in ARRL Field Day while staying safe. He'll cover the ARRL's temporary Field Day rule changes for 2020, give hints for filling in the submission form, and also report on the socially distant "Field Day Lite" deployment

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